Launch meeting of the CAPSE project in Paris – advancing parity in the SSE

On 6 and 7 December 2023, the partners in the Erasmus+ CAPSE project met in Paris to launch the partnership dynamic and work on the modules and phasing of the project.

The aim of this project, which is being carried out in Spain, France and Belgium, is to analyse and provide tools for the deployment of parity in the governance of SSE networks and federations.

On the agenda for this meeting

  • feedback and discussion on the state of play in terms of gender equality in the SSE in Spain, France and Belgium;
  • the design of diagnostic tools for networks;
  • communication strategy (website, logo, communication, etc.);
  • administrative and financial management of the project
  • risk assessment;
  • social events to get to know each other better!

A promising dynamic for advancing the issue of gender equality in the governance of SSE organisations.

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